Side quest: Deliver the Leaf clothing to Swadloon

Oct 18, 2023
par Skyangie
In this Detective Pikachu Returns side quest guide, we'll show you how to solve the side quest: Deliver the Leaf clothing to Swadloon.
When you begin the investigation of The Fabled Aurora, it will be possible to receive this side quest: Deliver the Leaf clothing to Swadloon. Simply talk to the Leavanny on the path as you climb the hill to reach the ruins. She's to the right of the fossil collector.
Leavanny will ask you to find her 2 Swadloon scattered nearby and provide them with clothing.
Where to find Swadloon #1
This Pokémon can be found to the left of the ruin gate, at the top of the hill.
Where to find Swadloon #2
The second Swadloon is on the right-hand side of the statue room inside the Ruins.
Back to Leavanny
Once you've found the 2 Swadloon, return to Leavanny to complete this side-quest.