Side quest: Retrieve the ball for the children

Oct 26, 2023
par Skyangie
In this Detective Pikachu Returns walkthrough, we'll show you how to solve the side quest: Retrieve the ball for the children.
When you begin the investigation of Detainee Pikachu, it will be possible to receive this side quest: Retrieve the ball for the children. Just chat to the young man to the right of the Slowpoke statue. Just chat to the young man on your left at the end of 2nd Avenue.
The young man will ask you to find a Pokémon that can fetch a balloon from the roof. The Pokemon you're looking for is Aipom.
Where to find Aipom?
Aipom is just to the right of the Slowpoke statue.
Talk to Aipom to ask for his help and return to the young man to complete this side-quest.