Chapter 1 - Welcome to Azoria

In this Fae Farm guide, we'll walk you through Chapter 1: Welcome to Azoria.
Here are the 11 quests you'll complete in Chapter 1: Welcome to Azoria:
- Quest: Moving In
- Quest: Tidying Up
- Quest: Cottage Construction
- Quest: The Joy of Farmyard Cooking
- Quest: From Humble Beginnings
- Quest: Meeting the Neighbors
- Quest: Gone Fishin'
- Quest: Friend to the Critters
- Quest: Careful Catching
- Quest: Hard-Earned Florins
- Quest: Mastering Marketing
Once you've created and customized your character, an introductory cinematic will appear. You'll then arrive in Azoria to meet Merritt, the mayor responsible for Arizoa. You'll receive your very first quest at this point.
Quest: Moving In
The objectives:
- Enter your new home and discover it.
- Open your welcome pack.
Once you've unlocked the World Map, press the appropriate key (M) to consult it. Use it to find the location of characters you need to meet for quests, for example.
Once you've completed the Moving In quest, Merritt will ask you to name your farm and provide you with a set of starter tools. Now you can start collecting resources for the next quest.
Quest: Tidying Up
The objectives:
- Harvest: Plant fibers (10).
- Collect: Stone (10).
- Collect: Beech trunk (5).
- Collect: Wild spring greens (5).
Collect these resources in the field in front of your house, and return to talk to Merritt once you've completed the quest to receive another. You can also store your resources in the nearby storeroom.
Quest: Cottage Construction
The objectives:
- Make a woven pouffe and place it around the house.
To find out what resources you'll need to build a beanbag, open your almanac and select the construction tab. You'll see the information and resources you'll need to build an object. For the pouffe, you'll need 10 plant fibers. Build the footstool and place it in your house. Then talk to Merritt to receive your next quest.
Quest: The Joy of Farmyard Cooking
The objectives:
- Build a cooking fire (you'll need 10 stones and 5 beech trunks) and place it in the area you've cleared outside.
- Cook a dish with the cooking fire and collect it.
Once a dish has been prepared, talk to Merritt to receive your next quest.
Quest: From Humble Beginnings
The objectives:
- Collect turnip seeds from your reserve (3).
- Manufacture and install: Single strip (3).
- Press the appropriate button to plant turnip seeds (3).
* Don't forget to water the seeds every day.
Once you've completed your tasks, talk to Merritt, who will advise you to meet the other villagers.
Quest: Meeting the Neighbors
The objectives:
- Go see Eddy the sailor.
Open the map as required to find Eddy. He is located to the south-west of the map. Talk to him to complete the task and receive a fishing rod. You'll now be able to fish. You'll also receive a new quest.
Quest: Gone Fishin'
The objectives:
- Catch a fish.
Try your hand at fishing with your new rod. Then talk to Eddy to show him what you've caught and receive your next quest. Then head to Mel to receive your landing net. Open the map as needed to find Mel. He's located northeast of Eddy.
Quest: Friend to the Critters
The objectives:
- Go and see Mel the beekeeper.
Talk to Mel to receive a landing net for catching insects. You'll also receive a new quest.
Quest: Careful Catching
The objectives:
- Catch bugs (4).
Try to catch 4 insects with the landing net and chat with Mel. It's possible to sell what you've caught in exchange for Florins, the currency in Azoria.
Quest: Hard-Earned Florins
The objectives:
- Go see Pearl the president.
Head to Pearl, located downtown, to receive your next quest.
Quest: Mastering Marketing
The objectives:
- Place something on a market stall. You need at least 3.
Head to Pearl, located downtown, to receive your next quest. Once you've deposited the 3 items on the market stall, head to Merritt to complete Chapter 1: Welcome to Azoria.