Chapter 2 - A Thorny Problem

In this Fae Farm guide, we'll take you through Chapter 2: A thorny problem.
Here are the 3 quests you'll complete in Chapter 2: A thorny problem:
- Quest: A Botanical Menace
- Quest: Meeting Magic With Magic
- Quest: Opening the Paths
Quest: A Botanical Menace
The next day, you'll be given the task of consulting the mailbox to receive the letter Alaric has sent you. Talk to him to receive your next quest.
Quest: Meeting Magic With Magic
The objectives:
- Pick up a mussel on the beach
- Give: 1 Grilled crustaceans at Alaric
All you have to do is pick up a mussel on the beach and cook it around a fire. Once the shellfish is grilled, take it to Alaric. Once you've completed the quest: Meeting Magic With Magic, Alaric will ask you to join him the next day to take care of the brambles.
Quest: Opening the Paths
The objectives:
- Meet Alaric the next day to deal with the brambles
- Return to Alaric for your rewards
Just move on to the next day. A cinematic will appear in which Alaric gives you a magic staff. You can now get rid of the brambles blocking your path. This is how you complete Chapter 2: A thorny problem.