Building Bridges

Building Bridges
Jul 14, 2023

In this Final Fantasy XVI walkthrough, we'll explain the full path of the "Building Bridges" quest from the Act I.

You'll now need to find Bernard, the carpenter who can repair the bridge. Before setting off in search of him, you'll need to pick up the various items in the Hamlet of Martha’s Rest.

Leave the inn and head for the alley to the northwest to find Treasure Coffer.

Chest 1 map
Chest 1

Go northeast to join a man raking hay. There's a treasure Coffer nearby which contains the Forevermore Orchestrion Roll and a Goblin Coin.

Chest 2 map
Chest 2

Return to the wooden bridge before the stairs in front of Martha’s Rest. Clive will tell you to go down the ladder to the right of the bridge.

Before descending the ladder, head right to find a Treasure Coffer containing 10 chunks of Wyrrite. Climb down the ladder and then down another ladder on your right.


As you descend, you'll hear a scream. Head for the Cray Claws to save Bernard.

Once the fight is over, go and see Martha complete this FFXVI quest. You'll get a meteorite as well as 50 EXP, 100 ability points and 1,100 gils.
