'Dissending' For Sweets

In this Hogwarts Legacy side-quest guide, we'll explain the location and solution to the "'Dissending' For Sweets" side-quest.
Assignment Details
Available: Complete "Potions Class" and "The Girl From Uagadou".
Reward: Gold and craftspell
Go to Garreth in the entrance hall to begin this side quest. Follow the mission marker to interact with the witch statue near the grand staircase. You'll then be able to enter the secret passage.
Proceed to the freight elevator and use the Reparo spell to descend. Once at the bottom, continue forward and use Incendio to burn the canvas. Then use the Levioso spell to lift the plate in front of you. Climb up to the overpass and use Levioso again on the next plate to jump to the other side of the bridge. On the third plate, use Reparo first, then Levioso.
At the fourth plate, use Reparo to repair it and use Accio on the mechanism above to lift it. Continue on your way and stand on the slab in front of the door. Use the Incendio spell on the two braziers to continue. Go through the door and climb the ladder to the left to pick up the stingers. Return to Garreth to complete this Hogwarts Legacy side quest.