The Girl From Uagadou

In this walkthrough for Hogwarts Legacy, we'll give you the complete tutorial for the main quest: The Girl From Uagadou.
You'll receive a letter from Natty Onai asking you to join her. Head for her in Lower Hogsfield. On the way, remember to use the Revelio spell to find pages of the Wizard's Field Guide or treasures that are less visible to the naked eye.
She'll tell you about Rookwood and Harow at the Three Broomsticks and ask for more information. It's up to you to decide whether or not to tell her.
She also suggests that you do something about them, including an investigation. There's no question of her standing idly by.
Une fois votre discussion avec Natty terminée, vous entendrez des cris provenant de Nora Treadwell qui semble se faire menacer par des ennemis. Dirigez-vous vers elle pour lui venir en aide. C’est ainsi que la quête : La fille d'Uagadou se termine, laissant place à votre prochaine quête principale dans Hogwarts Legacy - L'Héritage de Poudlard : Épreuve de Merlin.
Once you've finished talking to Natty, you'll hear screams from Nora Treadwell, who seems to be threatened by enemies. Go to her aid. And so the quest: The Girl From Uagadou comes to an end, making way for your next main quest in Hogwarts Legacy: Trials of Merlin.