Special Actions

In this guide for Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, we'll show you where all the Special Actions are, and how to unlock them all.
Special actions are skills you'll obtain during your adventure, allowing you to unlock areas, shrines, collectibles and progress in the story. There are a total of 9 Special Actions you can obtain.
Throw Material
To throw a material, simply pick up the object, hold down the haut de la croix directionnelle key and press R to prepare for throwing. Release the key when you want to throw the object.
The Scope and Pins
You'll get the Scope automatically during the story by completing the Ukouh Shrine. Rauru will give it to you as you leave the sanctuary and explain how to use it.
The Scope is handy for targeting your next step in the adventure from a distance, before wasting time getting there. To use it, press A.
Shield Surf
To slide down a slope on your shield to go faster, simply press and hold ZL to extend your shield, then press X to jump, and just as you're in the air, quickly press A to land on your shield.
Charged Attacks
You'll get the charged attack automatically when you complete the Kyononis Shrine. At the end of the tutorial in the temple, the special action will appear in the list.
The charged attack is handy for trying to reach as many enemies as possible. Use it by holding down the Y key and releasing it when you want to hit the enemies.
Jump Slash
You'll get the jump attack automatically by talking to a guard called Goustan, who trains in the Cocorico village at night. He's located south of Cocorico village, near Impa's house. At the end of the tutorial given by the guard, the special action will appear in the list.
Flurry Rush
You'll get the backflip automatically by completing the Kyononis Shrine. At the end of the temple tutorial, the special action will appear in the list.
The backflip is handy for dodging attacks, allowing you to take advantage of the gap created in the enemy's defense to counter-attack. To use it, lock the target (the enemy) with ZL, press X to jump while holding Stick de gauche to move backwards.
Side Hop
You'll get the lateral jump automatically when you complete the Kyononis Shrine. At the end of the tutorial in the temple, the special action will appear in the list.
The Side Hop is handy for dodging vertical enemy attacks in a single bound. To use it, lock the target (the enemy) with ZL and press X to jump on the enemy.
Perfect Guard
You'll get the optimal guard automatically by completing the Kyononis Shrine. At the end of the temple tutorial, the special action will appear in the list.
Perfect Guard is useful for delivering a shield strike at the exact moment an enemy attack is about to hit you, in order to repel it. Use it by raising the shield with ZL and pressing A to repel the enemy.
In order to use this special action. It's important to note that you'll need an Amiibo. If so, go to the menu by pressing bouton plus, then go to Options with Stick de droite. Then choose "Settings" to activate the Amiibo option and return to the game. Choose the Amiibo module that appears and press L.