
Aug 08, 2023

In this guide to ingredients in Pokémon Sleep, we'll show you all the ingredients available in the game.

In Pokémon Sleep, ingredients allow you to make recipes in order to feed Snorlax and gain ranks. To make these recipes, you'll need to have all the necessary ingredients beforehand, so your support Pokémon will regularly give you berries and ingredients. You can also team up with Pokémon who have an ingredient specialty to get more of them.

Pokémon Sleep ingredients list

 NomPoints de base
Large LeekLarge Leek185
Tasty MushroomTasty Mushroom167
Fancy EggFancy Egg115
Soft PotatoSoft Potato124
Fancy AppleFancy Apple90
Fiery HerbFiery Herb130
Bean SausageBean Sausage103
Moomoo MilkMoomoo Milk98
Honey Honey101
Pure OilPure Oil121
Warming GingerWarming Ginger109
Snoozy TomatoSnoozy Tomato110
Soothing CacaoSoothing Cacao151
Slowpoke TailSlowpoke Tail342
Greengrass SoybeansGreengrass Soybeans100