Part 20: Lake Docarria

Sea of Stars - Part 20: Lake Docarria
Dec 06, 2023 par Skyangie

In this Sea of Stars walkthrough, we'll take you through Part 20: Lake Docarria.

Continue up the path towards Lake Docarria. Climb over vines and up to face a large lake. Garl will point out a bell that resembles the coral hammer offered by Director Moraine.

Swim towards this bell and drop the coral hammer. This will reveal a staircase to your right, giving access to the Docarria village entrance.

Before you can enter the Docarria village and meet the Oracle of the Tides, start by entering the shell-shaped temple. Here you'll meet the temple's servant. A cinematic sequence appears in which Garl chooses a shell. Once you've chosen the shell, exit the temple by crossing the passage to the right.

For the moment, it's not advisable to head for the Peak of Torment, as mentioned by the servant. Instead, head for The Sacred Grove on the left-hand side of the map. This concludes Part 20: Lake Docarria, giving way to Part 21: The Sacred Grove