Faction Missions

In this faction mission guide, you'll find mission solutions for the 5 factions available in the adventure.
In Starfield, you'll meet 5 factions, with a total of 40 missions dedicated to them. There's no limit to the number of factions you can join. So it's possible to join all the factions at once.
You don't have to complete all faction missions to obtain the various achievements. It is mandatory to complete all faction quests to obtain all faction-specific achievements.
There are no missions that can be missed, but completing the main story will automatically start the New Game+. All missions will then be reset, and you'll have to start them all over again. Remember to manually save the last main mission of the game, so you can come back to it later.
The faction quests are clearly indicated, and you simply have to follow the mission markers to complete the tasks. Completing one quest automatically unlocks the next. The decisions and dialogues you make have no impact on the adventure.
The Constellation
This faction is the Main Starfield Story. It includes all the main missions.
You'll get access to this faction's missions at the start of the game in the The Old Neighborhood quest, in which you need to talk to Commander John Tula. By speaking with the faction, he'll give you the first mission.
- Supra Et Ultra
- Grunt Work
- Delivering Devils
- Eyewitness
- Friends Like These
- The Devils You Know
- War Relics
- Hostile Intelligence
- A Legacy Forged
Crimson Fleet
- Deep Cover
- Rook Meets King
- Burden of Proof
- Echoes of the Past
- The Best There Is
- Eye of the Storm
- Legacy’s End
Ryujin Industries
- Back to the Grind
- One Step Ahead
- A New Narrative
- Access is Key
- Sowing Discord
- Accidents Happen
- Maintaining the Edge
- Top Secrets
- Background Checks
- Guilty Parties
- The Key Ingredient
- Sabotage
- Executive Level
Freestar Rangers
The first mission of this faction will be given to you during the main quest The Empty Nest. You'll need to complete it to progress in the story.
- Job Gone Wrong
- Deputized
- Where Hope is Built
- Shadows In Neon
- Surgical Strike
- On the Run
- First to Fight, First to Die
- The Hammer Falls