Back to Mushroom Kingdom

In this Super Mario RPG Walkthrough, you'll find the complete guide to completing Back to Mushroom Kingdom with all the secret chests and a guide to beating Claymorton to collect the first Star Piece.
To reach Mushroom Kingdom, you can use the world map from the menu, or take the path to the south. When you arrive, get rid of the Shymore , which will be after a Toad. You'll then get 10x Coins for saving him.
Then head downstairs to help a blue Toad. He will then ask you to return the wallet you obtained after winning against Croco in the Bandit's Way. If you agree to give it to him, you'll get 1x Flower Tab. You don't have to give it to him right away; the longer you wait, the more extra Flower Points you'll get for your team: 1x Flower, 3x Flowerand 5x Flower. By waiting a lot, you'll be able to get 1x Frog Piece in exchange for his wallet. On the other hand, if you wait too long, he won't give you any more rewards. You'll have to sell the wallet to the merchant for 123 coins.
Now go to the bottom right of the area to enter the house near the south entrance. Eliminate the Shymore on the table and the one on the sink;
Go and talk to the characters and climb the stairs to eliminate a Shymore on the bed. After talking, you'll get 1x Flower Tab.
Now exit the house to reach Mushroom Kingdom, at the top right of the area. On arrival, head down the right corridor and into the upper room. Speak with the guard hidden behind the bed to obtain the Wake-up Pin and equip this item on Mallow.
Leave the room and go down some stairs to the Castle Treasure Room to find three chests. You'll then get 10x Coins, 1x Flowerand 1x Mushroom.
Return to the main hall and get rid of the enemies. Once Toad has thanked you, head down the left-hand corridor and get rid of the Shymore.
Head into Princess Peach's bedroom, eliminating enemies to get a Toad to give you 1x Flower Tab. Take advantage of this to save with a save block and talk to the elderly Toad by the bed to regain all your HP and FP.
You can come back, eliminate Shymores and return to heal yourself to easily gain experience to bring Mallow up to Level 5.
Return to the main hall and head upstairs to the throne room. Here you begin the battle against Boss Claymorton .
Claymorton has 432 HP and will be accompanied by four Shymores. With Mallow at level 5, he will be able to kill them in a single blow with the special attack "Thunderbolt". Claymorton is weak to electricity and will be stunned for two turns.
Remember to heal your team with Malow and save your PFs for the special ability "Thunderbolt" to get rid of Claymorton's friends. After the fight, you'll get the First Star Piece. Go and see the Chancellor hiding at the top left of the room, then exit the castle to the Kero Sewers.