Mario's Pad

In this Super Mario RPG Walkthrough, you'll find the complete guide to completing the first zone of the Mario's Pad.
As you begin the Super Mario RPG story, you'll be asked to choose the difficulty of your adventure. The "Easy" mode will let you carry more items, defeat enemies more easily and gain levels faster. The "Normal" mode will let you play the game with a more advanced difficulty level. You will be able to change the game's difficulty at any time during the game in the Settings. In any case, difficulty has no effect on the story.
After completing the finished introductory cinematic, you'll control Mario in Bowser's castle. Open the red door in front of you and continue straight ahead, avoiding the enemies.
Join the enemies in front of the door to be introduced to combat. Simply select the "Attack" option by pressing A" to eliminate the two enemies. For now, this single action is enough to win the fight. You'll be introduced later to coordinated actions that will allow you to do more damage to your opponents.
Go through the door and cross the bridge over the lava. Move forward to reach a new door that will lead you to Bowser's throne.
You'll have to face your first boss. Use the Y button for the "Special Moves" option and select the only possible move "Jump", which will consume three flowers. Don't select Bowser, but the chain above him. This technique allows Mario to do more damage than a classic attack.
Repeat this attack several times to break the chain. After the fight, a cinematic sequence begins, during which Mario is ejected from the castle.
You'll land directly in Mario's house. Press B to jump. Go press the nightlight on the right to go to sleep. You'll also have access to your chest, which lets you store items.
Step out of the house to speak with Toad, who will explain how the game's automatic saves work between zones. You can also save the game manually by jumping on the blocks marked with an "S".
Head for the path at bottom right of the area to reach the world map. Go left to reach the Bowser's Castle. A sword will speak to you and destroy the bridge. Return to the "Mario's Pad" and enter the house to talk to Toad.
Exit the house and head downstairs to the right. Toad will come and give you 1 Mushroom. This item will allow you to recover "PV" life points. Later, Toad will ask if you'd like to know more about "Action Commands", say "No" to begin a tutorial.
Make an attack on one Goomba and press A at the right moment to deliver a more powerful blow. Do the same when the other Goomba attacks you to activate a shield. You'll then need to use the coordinated action with a Special Moves.
Once you've completed the tutorial, you'll get 3 Mushrooms. Exit at the bottom right to reach the map, now head for the "Mushroom Way" at the bottom right.