The Fabled Aurora

In this Detective Pikachu Returns story walkthrough, we'll take you through the entire second chapter: The Fabled Aurora.
Once you're ready, chat with Rachel Myers to progress to the next investigation. You'll find yourself in the ruins of the South.
Climb the hill to the ruins
Head up the hill to the entrance to the ruins. You'll meet Chris Honor, who seems to be cooking something with his Pokémon Munchlax at his side. Chris will inform you that Professor Gordon went into the ruins 2 days ago and hasn't returned yet. It's up to you to find him.
Examining the entrance to the ruins
Move towards the entrance and press A to inspect the door. There are 3 things to inspect in front of the door.
- The ground platform on the right
- The statue on the door
- The tree to the left of the door
You'll need to collect more clues to deduce. Talk to the Pokémon who live nearby.
- Ask Muchlax a question
- Ask Passimian a question
A cinematic appears in which Pikachu climbs to the top of the door. Pikachu notices a slab at the top of the door. Pikachu will ask you if there's anything there, like a key or a switch.
- Choisissez la réponse: La dalle au motif particulier.
Trouvez un moyen d’ouvrir l’entrée des ruines
Une fois les indices récupérés, ouvrez vos notes d’enquête et essayez de déduire comment ouvrir la porte?
- Choose the answer: The tile with a unique design.
Once the door is open, enter the ruins to find Professor Gordon.
Room in the center of the ruins (statue chamber)
When you arrive at the front of the room, you'll find a handkerchief on the floor that belongs to Professor Gordon. Search the room for clues to the Professor's whereabouts.
- The statues in the hall
- The wall at the back of the room with the footprints
Once you've recovered the clues, open your investigation journal and try to deduce where Professor Gordon has gone?
- Choose the answer: He went along the path beyond the wall.
To get to the other side of the wall, you need to keep looking for more clues.
Room on the right in the ruins (featuring a large wall of ice)
In this room, look for clues that might help you progress.
- Ice wall
- Rock
Then head for the room on the left.
Room on the left in the ruines (featuring a large mural)
As you enter, you'll find a Slowpoke frozen in ice. You'll need Rachel's help to free him. Pikachu will retrieve the Slowpoke' tail. Then examine the ruins for clues.
- Wall
Once you've collected the clues, open your investigation journal and try to deduce how to get to the other side of the wall?
- Choose the answer: Have the statues hold berries.
Next, you'll have to deduce which yellow berry should be placed on the statue on the left?
To find the Bay, simply explore the trees outside the ruins and look for the yellow berries. Jouca Bay is right next to Passimian.
- Choose one: A sweet, yellow Shuca berry.
You'll also have to deduce which blue berry is to be placed on the statue on the right?
- Choose the answer: An acidic blue Yache berry.
To find the berry, simply explore the trees outside the ruins and look for the blue berries.
Lastly, you'll have to deduce how to get rid of the ice covering the fresco?
To do this, you'll need to talk to nearby Pokémon to find out who has a fire ability.
- Choose one: Melt ice with fire: Monferno.
Once the missing fresco is visible, you'll have to look for the last fruit. You'll have to deduce which red berry should be placed on the middle statue?
- Choose the answer: A spicy, red Tamato berry.
To find the berry, simply explore the trees outside the ruins and look for berries that are red in color. However, the tree containing the berry you're looking for is empty. You'll have to ask Chris for help and add some curry powder to make the berry spicier.
You'll have to deduce that we don't have the right bay. How do we do it?
- Choose one: Substitute the Tamato berry curry instead.
Once all the ingredients have been collected, a cinematic sequence appears in which all the statues hold an object. A door opens in front of you, allowing you to descend into the ruins' basement.
Climb down and turn right. You'll come to a hole in the ground. Slowpoke will spit water to raise the water level, but to cross, you'll have to ask another Pokémon for help.
Talk to the Pokémon outside the ruins and open your investigation journal to deduce how to cross this water-filled hole?
- Choose your answer: By asking the Lotad to make the fording stones.
Cross over to the other side and move forward until you're facing the Darmanitan.
Befriend the Darmanitan
To approach Darmanitan, you'll need to cross to the next corridor without being spotted by Darmanitan.
To do this, move behind the rocks at the bottom when Darmanitan's back is to you (see picture). Then move to the bottom right (see picture) and behind the blue ice blocks when Darmanitan's back is still to you (see picture). Then head for the destination.
Once in the new room, inspect the hole in the wall on the left. Pikachu will volunteer to cross to the other side. You'll then see that the Professor is blocked on the other side. Head for the arrow on the floor to try and find a way out. However, you'll find that the path is blocked. Go back to Tim.
Try to lure the Darmanitan to you by pressing A at the right moment. You'll need to help Pikachu get out of the Darimacho's mouth, so press A as quickly as possible. Once the Darmanitan is full and calm, have a chat with him. He'll agree to help you.
Help Professor Gordon
Now that you have Darmanitan's strength, direct him to the exit blocked by the rubble. Use Darmanitan's strength to free the exit and enter the room where the professor is. Talk to him to find out what happened.
Help Darmanitan to thank him
To thank the Darmanitan for his help, you'll need to find Vanillite, Mr Mime, Bergmite and Smoochum in the 1st basement.
- Vanillite is a pile of snow in the statue room.
- Mr Mime is behind the wall of ice in the room to the right in the ruin.
- Bergmite is behind the wall of ice in the room to the right in the ruin, just break the block of ice it's in
- Smoochum is in the room to the left where the wall is. Just break the block of ice she's in..
Then return to Tim in the 2nd basement. As you enter, the door you just passed will close. You're now trapped in the ruins. You'll have to find another way out. Find clues and inspect the rooms so you can deduce.
- Inspect all the murals with steps
Once you've found the clues, open your investigation journal and deduce the meaning of the murals in the second basement?
- Choose your answer: They indicate that the statues need to be moved.
You'll find yourself in a room further back. Observe the wall of ice and ask Darmanitan to break it. You'll discover a secret room.
Examine the ruin mechanism and talk to Eiscu.
Ask Eiscue questions for clues and examine the room.
- The statues
- The door
- Ice bloc
- The tree
Talk to Professor Gordon
Professor Gordon will ask you to use your detective skills to get out of there. You'll be asked a series of questions. Answer each one correctly, using the answers below:
1.What in this room could be the key to the puzzle?
- Answer: The Clefairy statue depicted in the mural.
2. Where is the human statue?
- Answer: Hidden in the ice.
3. What should we do with the two statues?
- Answer: Move the statues.
4. What should we do after moving the statues?
- Answer: Create the missing hand and connect the statues.
5. Who should we ask for help?
- Answer: Eiscue can use a move to freeze the statues.
You'll suddenly be interrupted by enemies. Pikachu climbs Darmanitan, who changes his skill to fire-breathing. Press A as quickly as possible to defeat the ennemy. Once the enemy has been defeated, the exit will be available. And so the second chapter: The Fabled Aurora comes to an end, leaving room for the next chapter: Detainee Pikachu.