Quiz Professor's question on 2nd Avenue Street

Oct 26, 2023
par Skyangie
In this solution from Detective Pikachu Returns, we'll explain how to solve the Quiz Professor's question on 2nd Avenue.
When you begin your investigation of Pikachu Detainee, you'll find yourself near the Fountain Plaza. To find Quiz Professor, simply go to the 2nd Avenue.
Question #1: What aromatic Pokemon has a beautiful flower blooming on its head?
Answer: Lilligant, it's possible to find this Pokémon near the florist.
Question #2: What Pokemon has fluffy fur around its neck, loves to stay clean, and lives as it pleases?
Answer: Delcatty, it's possible to find this Pokémon near the florist.
Question #3: What Pokemon can sense emotions via the protrusion on its head and prefers secluded places?
Answer: Hatenna, this Pokémon can be found in the police department parking lot on the left as you enter 2nd Avenue.