Quiz Professor's question at the South ruins

Oct 25, 2023
par Skyangie
In this guide from Detective Pikachu Returns, we'll explain how to solve the Quiz Professor's question at the southern ruins.
When you begin your investigation of The Fabled Aurora, you'll find yourself in the ruins of the South. To find Quiz Professor, simply go to the right-hand side of Monferno.
Question #1: Which winged Pokémon has a round body and adorable eyes?
Answer: Rowlett, you can find this Pokémon as soon as you arrive at the Southern Ruins. Just to the right of the Charjabug.
Question #2: Which Pokémon has a blocky body, impressive jaws and will shock you if you touch it?
Answer: Charjabug, it's possible to find this Pokémon as soon as you arrive at the Southern Ruins.
Question #3: Which Pokémon is soft and fluffy all over?
Answer: Eldegoss, this Pokémon can be found near the left passageway at the entrance to the ruins.