Quiz Professor's question at Serenity Park

Oct 18, 2023
par Skyangie
In this guide from Detective Pikachu Returns, we'll explain how to solve the Quiz Professor question in Serenity Park.
Once you've started investigating The Missing Jewel, you'll be able to find Quiz Professor on your way back from the Terrace in Serenity Park.
Question #1: What Pokémon catches prey using its looong tongue?
Answer: Lickitung, this Pokémon can be found in Serenity Park. Head left from the Quiz Professor's location to find it.
Question #2: What Pokémon uses its cute looks to put you off your guard so it can steal from you?
Answer: Purrloin, this Pokémon can be found near the fountain in the park. It's next to its owner, sitting on a bench.
Question #3: Best buds always stick together - what Pokémon moves as a group?
Answer: Falinks, these Pokémon can be found near the stairs leading to the terrace.