Side Quest: Find the Missing Ursaring

In this Detective Pikachu Returns guide, we'll show you how to solve the side quest: Find the Missing Ursaring.
When you begin the investigation of The Fabled Aurora, it will be possible to receive this side quest: Find the Missing Ursaring. Just chat to the Ursaring on the path as you climb the hill to reach the ruins.
Ursaring will ask you to find his missing friend.
Where can I find Ursaring's friend?
The missing Ursaring's friend is in the Ruins. In a block of ice in the right-hand room on the second floor of the Ruins. In order to destroy the block of ice surrounding the Ursaring, you'll need to befriend Darmanitan. To find out how to find and befriend Darmanitan, see our guide to The Fabled Aurora.
Once Darumacho agrees to help you, Pikachu will have the option of riding him, taking him to the block of ice surrounding the Ursaring and breaking the ice to free him.
Once this has been completed, return to the Ursaring outside to complete this side quest.