Side Quest: Fossil Collector

In this Detective Pikachu Returns guide, we'll show you how to solve the side quest: Fossil Collector.
When you begin the investigation of The Fabled Aurora, it will be possible to receive this side quest: Fossil Collector. Just chat to the Fossil Collector who will be right in front of you when you arrive at the southern ruins.
The Fossil Collector will ask you to break rocks and bring him 3 fossils. In order to destroy the rocks to retrieve the fossils, you'll need to befriend Darmanitan. To find out how to find and befriend Darmanitan, read our guide about The Fabled Aurora.
Once Darmanitan agrees to help you, Pikachu will have the option of riding on him, taking him to the rocks and smashing them to retrieve the fossils.
Where to find Fossil #1
Smash the rocks in front of you as you arrive at the southern ruins.
Where to find Fossil #2
Break the rocks behind the Ursaring.
Where to find Fossil #3
To reach the third fossil, break through the rock barrier on the right-hand side of the ruins' entrance. Once the barrier has been destroyed, break the rock to the right of Pokémon Solrok to uncover the third fossil.
Return to the Fossil Collector
Once you've found all three fossils, return to the Fossil Collector to complete this side-quest.