Fire and Ice
![Fire and Ice](/sites/
In this Final Fantasy XVI walkthrough, we'll explain the full path of the "Fire and Ice" quest from the Act II.
Once at Drake's Breath, move forward to cross the wooden walkways to find 3 pinches of Magicked Ash at the top of the stairs.
Continue along the path through the gate to fight Hornets and Akashic Thorns . These enemies are a little stronger than the non-akashique versions, but shouldn't give you any trouble.
Open the portal and and climb the stairs to find 3 spools of Steelsilk at the top. Continue along the path to join a group of Akashic Wolves.
After the fight, continue up the next set of stairs and open the door to fight an Akashique Minotaur. The Minotaur will take advantage of the Wolves' distraction to attack you. Get rid of the wolves first to eliminate this mini-boss.
Then climb the stairs to find a Potion on your right, 4 Sharp Fangs on the left and a Treasure Chest containing the accessory The Breath of Wind (Aerial Blast)..
Take the opportunity to save before opening the door. The next fight is a tough one. Open to begin the fight against an Akashic Morbol.
Morbol will start the fight with Worse Breath. This substance will move with the akashique Morbol.
As you approach this enemy, it will spit two projectiles near it to target you. It will also use its tentacles to strike you. Be careful not to attack it from the front, as it will use two tentacles vertically. He can also use four tentacles to grab you.
When you see Morbol sucking in air, step back to avoid a gas attack. Morbol can also make a jumping attack and can summon tentacles in the water.
These tentacles can attack you separately and pull you away from the akashic Morbol. Dodge their blows until the Morbol withdraws them. You can also try to find an open space without tentacles, but this is not always the case.
After Staggering Morbol the first time, it will sink into the ground. When he returns, he'll use Acid Rain to launch projectiles from the sky.
The Morbol will continue the fight with an attack in which it will charge you. This attack will be Wild Rage followed by a Giant Leap in which the Morbol will leap at you. Afterwards, the Morbol will have to rest, so this will be a very good time to strike.
This fight remains relatively difficult, so always do your best to counter and dodge damage. Remember to heal yourself and use ranged attacks;
After the fight, you'll get 180 EXP, 120 ability points, 2,700 gils, 18 Magicked Ash and 2 Meteorites.
You'll enter the t. Drustanus. Move forward to reach the bridge and pick up a High Potion. Cross the bridge to find a Potion on the other side.
Continue on to reach some enemies. Eliminate them and you'll see the path split to the west and north. Head north to quickly pick up a potion before deciding which path to take.
Both paths take you to the same destination, and both involve combat. The left-hand path is easier, while the straight path involves a more difficult fight.
Path ahead
Climb the stairs and fight other Scorpions and continue on to meet a Salamander.
After the fight, go and open the treasure chest next to the door. It contains 10 spools of Steelsilk and 10 Bloody Hides.
Left-hand path
Look to your left to see a path through an Escalader tunnel and a crack in the wall.
You'll have to face a few scorpions. After the fight, look to the right for a potion.
Go forward and down the path, taking the 3 Bloody Hides on your right. When you reach the bottom, the path splits to the left and right. Look right to find a treasure chest containing 10 spools of Steelsilk and 10 Bloody Hides. The path on the left is the other alternative mentioned above.
The two paths
Pass under the gate on the right and proceed to the bridge. Cross it to start a scene. Continue forward to join a group of bombs and scorpions. Be careful during this fight, as this group is made up of many enemies.
After the fight, go and pick up the potion on the right-hand path. Continue along the right-hand path to pick up the High Potion.
Step down and you'll encounter an enemy Red Mousse. This enemy moves fast and uses its tentacles to attack you. He'll also be able to use Mega-fire, which projects a large fireball.
After the fight, move forward to open a treasure chest containing a Mythril Wristlets. Look to the right to find a Potion. Take the opportunity to save, as you'll have to face a tough enemy.
After a while, this enemy will use Encens. This attack enhances his movements, increasing his number of attacks;
When incense is active, it will be able to use Firewater, a ray that moves with the lizard's head.
The Flame Lizard's head is its weak point, so staying ahead can help you dodge attacks.
To cancel the effects of the incense, perform partial Staggers. After your second partial Stagger, the Lizard will use Overdrive. An attack that fires two rays of fire, one vertically and the other horizontally. These rays are followed by claw attacks. If you're unlucky enough to be caught by one of them, that enemy will combo. This attack also ends with an explosion around the lizard.
Do your best to dodge attacks and heal yourself if you're injured, as Overdrive can inflict a lot of damage. Fortunately, constant dodging will allow you to avoid the worst. Keep your distance from the Flame Lizard and you'll be able to dodge the explosion.
By winning the fight, you'll get 220 EXP, 150 ability points, 3,375 gils, 1 Gnarled Scales and 18 Sharp Fangs.
Once the fight is over, move forward and jump over the rocks to reach a potion. Climb the ladder and go through the door to start a cinematic.
Afterwards, go ahead and take the Potion on your right. Continue along the path to find a High Potion down the stairs.
At the bottom of the stairs, you'll start a fight against Warriors. These aren't particularly difficult enemies, but you'll have to face two waves.
From the stairs, go left through the large door. Climb the stairs to find a potion.
Go through the door to start a fight with an Ironblood Fanatic who will attack you from the right. The other warriors present shouldn't worry you, as Jill and Torgal will take care of them.
After the fight, turn right to take a Potion. To the right, you'll find stairs leading up to some warriors. Step outside to find a Treasure chest continent 1,200 gils.
Then go through the door to find 3 spools of Steelsilk. Follow the path to find a High Potion.
At the top of the stairs, head left to reach a cul-de-sac with a High Potion. Go back to the right to see a potionjust before the next area.
Continue on to the next area to start fighting soldiers. Enemy reinforcements will arrive after a while.
Once the fight is over, head for the main gate to find a potion and a white treasure chest containing La The Grace of the Inferno (Will-o’-the-Wykes).
Save your game and open the door to begin a battle against Liquid Flame.
This enemy starts the fight with a three-strike combo. The first blow is a fist sweep, the second a charge in your direction. The final blow is Fiery Impac, an attack where this enemy jumps on you to slam his fist into the ground.
Dodge and counter this boss's attacks as best you can. For a partial Stagger, use Deadly Embrace to gain time. Continue your attacks for a first Stagger. Use Limit Break to do maximum damage.
When Liquid Flame recovers from its first Stagger, it uses Attisement. This triggers a scene and will add magma around the battlefield.
Liquid Flame will transform into a Wyrm or a flaming Couerl at times. After the second Stagger and third partial Stagger, Liquid Flame uses Eleventh Hour which invokes several beasts to charge at you. The boss will then summon four fire-breathing dragons in your direction. Then he'll finish by spitting a great gust of fire around him.
Winning the fight will get you 600 EXP, 220 ability points, 4,050 gils, 2 Liquid Flame and 35 Magicked Ash as well as the Legacy trophy after the cinematic.