Welcome to Hogwarts

In this walkthrough for Hogwarts Legacy, we'll give you the complete tutorial for the main quest: Welcome to Hogwarts.
The day after your Sorting Ceremony, you'll find yourself in your new dormitory. Then head to the common room and chat with some of your classmates.
Once the introductions are over, meet Professor Weasley outside the common room. She'll give you a Wizard's Field Guide to record what you're learning, so that you can master the various spells. This guide will also enable you to keep track of your progress.
Follow Professor Weasley a little further and use the Revelio spell to bring up a page from the Wizard's Field Guide. You'll receive a page from the House Elf Cookbook. You'll also learn that Wizard's Field Guide challenges are the ONLY way to earn experience points (EXP). This will come in handy later on in the game, especially for increasing your power and level, which will give you access to new locations, for example.
*It's important to check your progress throughout the story, as you can earn rewards when you complete challenges or collect pages from the guide.
Keep following Professor Weasley as she introduces you to the concept of Floo Flames spots. These green flames allow you to move quickly to other flames on the map, making it easier to get around the castle.
Using the map, head for the Floo Flames spot in the Central Hall, which has been unlocked by Professor Weasley. Follow Professor Weasley into the Central Hall. She will then ask you to attend spell classes and Defense against the Dark Arts class. She'll also recommend that you visit Hogsmeade to replace the things you've lost along the way.
Lastly, she'll ask you about the dragon that attacked you along the way. You'll have a choice of answers. Professor Fig will appear and give you further explanations about the detailed map in the Wizard's Field Guide. This map will tell you where the next main quests are located.
It's by completing these main quests that you'll progress through the story, unlock new features and earn EXP. Some quests are locked by a spell and/or require a certain level (new spells can be obtained by completing assignments or as quest rewards).
That's how the Welcome to Hogwarts quest ends, making way for your next main quest in Hogwarts Legacy: Charm Class.