Charms Class

In this walkthrough for Hogwarts Legacy, we'll give you the complete tutorial for the main quest: Charms Class.
Head for Professor Ronen's spell class in the astronomy wing.
Don't hesitate to use the compass by pressing the corresponding command in the Wizard's Field Guide to find your way to the next quest.
Once in the classroom, you'll meet Natsai Onai. Professor Ronen will teach you the Accio spell. This spell enables you to attract objects to you.
Learning spells is done in mini-games: simply press the corresponding command at the right moment and guide the mouse to follow the shape of the symbol. It's important to be quick as you want to avoid the red steam coming from behind, otherwise your spell won't work.
Once you've learned Accio, the teacher will suggest a short excursion. To help you master the Accio attraction spell, Professor Ronen will take you on a mini-game called the Summoners Court, in which you'll have to use Accio to bring the spheres back to you and score as many points as possible.
Simply cast Accio on one of the spheres, then revoke the spell at the last moment so that it reaches the blue square worth 50 points (the highest number on the platform).
To obtain 50 points each time, we recommend revoking the spell just as the sphere is about to cross the yellow line.
After your practice round, you'll go head-to-head with Natsai Onai. The aim is to accumulate more points than Natsai. Even if you lose, there will be no consequences. Repeat the same process, but this time there will be moving obstacles on the platform.
Once you've completed the mini-game, you'll find yourself in the classroom with Natsai. Talk to her and then head for Professor Ronen. That's how the quest: Charms Class ends, making way for your next main quest in Hogwarts Legacy: Defense Against the Dark Arts Class. You'll earn the "First Class Pupil" trophy/success by completing your first course, and obtain the side quest Books for Lift-Off.