The Deep Temple

In this walkthrough for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, we'll give you the complete tutorial for the main quest: The Deep Temple, which appears to be a sequel to the main quest: Camera Work in the Depths. Complete this quest to receive the 5th ability, which is Autobuild (allowing you to quickly reproduce a vehicle or pillar you've created in your history).
Once you've completed the main quest: Tulin of Rito Village and defeated the Calamity of The Wind Temple: Colgera, return to the Lookout Standing and speak with Purah. She tells you that Josha is looking to recruit people to explore the depths. Go to Josha to activate the quest: The Deep Temple.
It's also possible to talk to other characters in the Lookout Standing, as they can give you missions or side quests.
Before beginning your journey in The Deep Temple, Josha will give you 10 Brightbloom Seeds and 10 wooden Arrows. * It's important to note that Josha won't give you many instructions, and there won't be any locations marked on your map. Follow our instructions below to find out where to go!
Go to the Great Central Abandoned Mine
Leave the Lookout Standing and head for the Hyrule Field Chasm. If you've already completed the Camera Work in the Depths main quest, it's possible to teleport to the Läy Usus Root you discovered earlier to facilitate your travels.
From the Läy Usus Root, follow the directions of the nearby humanoid statue (the statue you identified with a Purah Pad's camera feature for Josha during the main quest: Camera Work in the Depths). Head in the direction the statue seems to be pointing. You'll find other identical statues if you follow the right path. Don't hesitate to pick up the resources on the ground - they can be very useful in battle!
* Warning! Before entering the Great Central Mine, it's important to equip yourself with several bows (in case they break during combat), arrows, Bomb Flowers, Fire Fruits and several dishes. After all, you're about to face a boss!
If you follow the direction pointed by the humanoid statues, you'll arrive at the central Great Abandoned Mine. Head towards the entrance, where you'll meet 2 figures who appear to be archaeologists. Talk to them and then activate the magic circle in front of you. A fast travel point will appear nearby, enabling you to teleport to this location. In addition, the Construct golem will awaken to give you the Autobuild ability. This ability allows you to memorize 30 constructions without delay and replicate them instantly.
The archaeologists will ask you to show them how the Autobuild ability works, by asking you to repair their broken vehicle nearby. First, use Ultrahand to glue the wheel to the right one, so you can memorize how to build the vehicle. Then use the Autobuild ability on the materials on the ground to your left. Construction will proceed automatically if all the necessary materials are present. Suddenly, you learn that the archaeologists are actually enemies. You'll need to defeat him in order to progress.
Defeating Master Kohga
You'll find yourself in a combat arena with a defined perimeter. Kohga will be equipped with a vehicle of his own creation and will try to run you over with it. Make sure you're well equipped with dishes if you take damage.
To inflict damage, you'll need to shoot an arrow equipped with a Flower Bomb or Fire Fruit into his face, while moving to avoid getting run over! Once an arrow has hit him, take advantage of his moment of weakness to climb onto his vehicle and hit him as quickly as possible. Repeat these steps several times.
After a while, Kohga will change vehicles to be able to drive much faster. It will be much harder to avoid him. We advise you to stand in front of a wall and wait for him to come towards you, and at the last moment, try to dodge the vehicle so that you don't get hit. This last-minute dodge will cause Kohga to run into the wall, throwing him off balance. Take advantage of his moment of weakness to climb onto his vehicle and hit him as quickly as possible. Repeat these steps several times until his life bar runs out.
Once you've defeated the Great Kohga, you'll receive a Huge Crystalized Charges crystal (equivalent to 100 ordinary crystals). Talk to the nearby assistant golem to receive an Assembly Engraving (you'll be able to build aircraft).
Use your new Autobuild ability to assemble the aircraft and activate the engines to fly. Once in the air, you can also use your Paraglider to fly to the Nuq Oladat Root. Examine the root to illuminate part of the depth map.
It will also be possible to continue the Kohga-related quest by heading for the abandoned Southwest Mine in Gerudo.
Then head to Lookout Standing to share your findings with Josha. She'll give you an Assembly Engraving (you'll be able to build hot-air balloons). Repair Robbie's balloon.
And so the main quest: The Deep Temple comes to an end, making way for your next main quest in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom: Regional Phenomena - Part 3: To Goron City.