Prologue - Beneath Hyrule Castle

In this tutorial for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, we'll take you through the entire path of this part of the game, introducing you to Link's adventure.
You'll begin Link's adventure in the basement of Hyrule Castle. Follow Zelda to start a scene. Continue to follow the princess, listening to her various interventions as she passes certain objects.
Descendez encore plus profondément pour rencontre vos premiers ennemis. Utilisez l’épée avec Y pour commencer une cinématique dans laquelle Zelda vous parlera de la légende. Continuez de suivre Zelda pour descendre encore plus bas pour assister à une nouvelle cinématique ou Link se fera attaquer.
When Link wakes up, pick up the corroded Master Sword in front of you on the left, then go and break the roots blocking the exit. Examine the green circle in front of you with A to activate a mechanism that will open the door.
Leave the room and press A to dive into the water. Get out of the water and jump to the tunnel. Then jump back into the water twice to reach the lower level.
You'll find your first chest containing clothe. Access your bag with bouton plus and select the garment to equip. Now head for the exit and jump into the void.
After a long fall, you'll reach the Garden of Time. Reach the stairs in front of you and move forward to find a Tree Branch on the left. You can use it instead of your sword by holding down the droite de la croix directionnelle button.
Move forward again, only to be attacked by an enemy, and your sword will break. Take the branch you found earlier to eliminate it. Once eliminated, you'll receive a Zonai charge.
Head to the right to find a green statue, and interact with it to meet the Construct. He'll give you the Purah Pad's. You can use it by pressing bouton moins to view quests, your album and the Map. This completes our solution to The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Prologue - Beneath Hyrule Castle.