Joining the Coastal Biome

In this guide to Pokémon Scarlet and Violet's Indigo Disc DLC, we'll give you all the objectives of The Coastal Biome. You'll also find all the information you need on the trainers and Pokémon you'll meet.
After arriving in the Terarium, move forward to meet a woman with a Growlithe. Talk to her to learn how to start her quest to register 200 Pokémon in your new Pokedex. It's also possible that this character isn't yet available, depending on your progress in the adventure.
The Terarium is a completely open area that you can explore as you wish. You can begin your journey to the Coastal Biome by starting a fight with a trainer close to the starting area.
Dario the Student | ||||
# | Name | Type | Lvl | |
001 | ![]() | Doduo | Normal | 74 |
034 | ![]() | Vullaby | Dark | 74 |
For this fight, you'll need an Electric, Rock or Ice type to do super-effective damage. Avoid Psychic types that won't be able to hit Vullaby;
Now head northeast to the coastal lookout. Along the way, you'll cross the Savannah Biome and encounter several large Pokémon that will attack, including Tauros, Rhyhorn, Dodrio or even Scyther.
Once you've reached the point of interest in the coastal area, you'll find a trainer who will want to challenge you to a fight.
The student | ||||
# | Name | Type | Lvl | |
068 | ![]() | Grimer | poisondark | 74 |
066 | ![]() | Diglett | GroundSteel | 74 |
You can also meet another trainer behind the point of interest.
The student | ||||
# | Name | Type | Lvl | |
061 | ![]() | Slaking | normal | 74 |
075 | ![]() | Slowpoke | WaterPsychic | 74 |
Head to the training area to meet Lacey and begin the course. You're now on the game's first mission, which is to catch a Pokémon in Alolan form.
The coastal biome is home to many Pokémon from the Alolan region. You could capture a Grimer or Muk near your location.
You can also reach the beach, where you'll find several Exeggutor on a small island or Dodrio.
After capturing your Alolan Pokémon, go back to the teacher to show him the Pokémon.
Once you've completed your first mission, Lacey will tell you about Blueberry Quests (BBQ). These activities will allow you to accumulate blueberry points, which will enable you to buy items in the school store, clubs or cafeteria.
Your next destination is Poste Central to join Carmine.