Fancy Apple Curry

Fancy Apple Curry
Aug 03, 2023

In this guide to the recipe of Pokémon Sleep's Fancy Apple Curry, you'll find all the information on this dish, these ingredients as well as the different experience levels and points obtained.

Ingredients for Fancy Apple Curry

Fancy Apple Curry should be made using only Fancy Apples.

Fancy Apple CurryFancy Apple Curry7

Fancy Apple Curry statistics

21 080681
32 324695
43 936708
55 545721
67 341728
79 712741
812 760755
916 426775
1020 791788
1125 639795
1230 911808
1336 621822
1442 922828
1549 882842
1657 551855
1766 001868
1875 131875
1984 981888
2095 642902
21107 159915
22119 576935
23132 938949
24147 309969
25162 621982
26178 9291002
27196 5631015
28215 6051035
29236 1491055
30258 2991075
31281 9551096
32306 7591116
33332 7691136
34360 4691162
35389 9431182
36421 5211209
37455 3801229
38491 0551256
39528 6631283
40568 9181309