Job Gone Wrong

Job Gone Wrong
Sep 11, 2023

In this Starfield faction missions guide, we'll explain the complete path of the "Job Gone Wrong" mission with all the objectives.

Location: Système stellaire : Alpha du Centaure / Planète : Akila    
Requierement: During the The Empty Nest 
Reward: 150XP, 3200 Credits    
Faction : Freestar Rangers

Job Gone Wrong mission is the first Freestar Rangers mission you'll get. This mission is mandatory and must be completed to continue the main story.

Go to Marshal Daniel Black on Akila and offer him your help. You will then have to deal with the situation of the thieves in the bank. 


There are several options open to you, the simplest of which is to talk to the thieves using the intercom to use Persuasion to silence them. If you succeed, you'll avoid a fight and get the best reward from the Marshal.

Marshal Daniel Black

If you wish to fight or fail your persuasion test, you'll have to eliminate them. The Marshall will then give you the key to the back door of the bank, allowing you to join the enemies discreetly and eliminate them, or ask to see the hostages at the front.

Once the situation at the bank has been resolved, go and talk to the Marshall to complete this mission. You will then automatically unlock the mission "Deputized".