Kero Sewers

In this Super Mario RPG Walkthrough, you'll find the complete guide to completing Kero Sewers with all the secret chests.
After obtaining the first Star Piece, exit Mushroom Kingdom to the Item Shop on the right. Speak with the merchant to exchange a Frog Coin for a Cricket Pie. You may also need an Antidote Pin in the next area, as several enemies will be able to poison you. However, only buy one Antidote Pin, as you'll get one later in the adventure.
Head into the world map to reach the Kero Sewers to the right of Mushroom Kingdom. Stand on the pipe and press A, then save your game with the save block.
In the first area of the level, jump into the water and swim to the right to reach the first pipe. Go inside and then left to enter a second pipe. Go left to enter a third pipe.
Head right to jump under the chest. You'll then have to eliminate the enemy who emerges to obtain 1x Flower Jar and an Trueform Pin. This badge is less interesting than the equipment you already own, but it may make you immune to poison.
Now return to the pipe you came through and jump into the water. Swim to the top right of the next area and cross the two rooms. You'll arrive back in the first area.
Jump out of the water into the pipe at top right. Then go to the top right and enter the new green pipe.
Take the Flower from the chest on the left and climb the stairs. Drop to the right and pick up the chest at the bottom containing 5x Coins. Return to the top left to enter the pipe, you'll then return to the room you've already visited.
Now swim to the top right to return to the room with the stairs where you retrieved the chest with the coins. This time, enter the pipe at top right.
Jump under the chest on your right to obtain 1x Invulnerability Star. Use this opportunity to eliminate the Boo and the Rat Funk, then enter the pipe at top left.
Take the left-hand passage to the pipe that leads to the third room.
Walk along the right-hand edge and eliminate the Rat Funks on your way. Enter the pipe on the right and press the green button on the right to lower the water level.
Enter the pipe at the bottom of the green button and head to the bottom left of the previous room. Enter the pipe that was underwater.
Jump under the chest to get 1x Mushroom. Head to the top left and stand on the ledge and wait for a Boo to attack you. Once you start the fight, select the "Flee" option to find yourself on top of the Boo. Jump off to reach the upper part of the level and collect 1x Flower from the chest on the left.
Save your adventure now and equip yourself with an Trueform Pin on Mario. Make sure you have at least oneLevel 5 team before engaging in combat.
Enter the pipe on your right to reach the Belome boss. Belome has 450 HP and will use four attacks.
The Lick attack can be countered by pressing A at the right moment, and shouldn't cause you any problems. The other attack will target one of your characters to put him to sleep, and you'll need to use the item to wake him up.
The Gas attack cannot be blocked, but if your character has the Trueform Pin, you will not be transformed.
For this fight, it makes more sense to equip Mario with the Trueform Pin. You'll then need to use Mallow's special techniques when he's transformed. With Mallow as your healer, you can use the Mushrooms in your inventory while Mario takes care of the attacks;
At the end of the fight, a cinematic will start in which you can see the water level of the Kero Sewers rising. You'll now arrive in the "Midas River", where a mini-game begins.