Main Quest 10 - Into the ocean

In this guide to Coral Island's walkthrough, we'll take a look at the game's tenth main quest: Into the Ocean.
- Head to the diving dock on the south side of the island to talk to Ling.
- Dive into the ocean
- Activate 5 solar orbs in the ocean to recover coral reefs
- Head to the laboratory to speak with Ling
Rewards: Dive suit that lets you go diving.
After a few days on Coral Island, you'll receive an advertisement from Ling in your mailbox. It's about the laboratory that's looking for the ideal candidate for diving.
Head to the diving dock on the south side of the island (towards the beach) to meet Ling and learn more about diving. She'll tell you that Coral Island's ocean is sick, and that you'll need to activate solar orbs to restore the ocean and heal the sick corals.
Use your scythe to clear away the garbage, as the solar orbs are buried underneath. What's more, you'll be accompanied by Kible, a robot that will help you get to the surface more quickly, no matter where you are in the ocean, by pressing the X key on your keyboard.
The ocean is full of resources! Open the treasure chests you find along the way!
Une fois les 5 orbes solaires activés dans l’océan, dirigez-vous vers le laboratoire de recherche pour parler avec Ling.
And so the game's tenth main quest: Into the Ocean comes to an end, making way for your next quest in Coral Island: Mythical Dream.