Flight of the Fledgling

In this Final Fantasy XVI walkthrough, we'll explain the full path of the "Flight of the Fledgling" quest from the Prologue.
For this FF16 quest, you control Joshua. Follow Wade through the corridors, and once he stops in front of a door, move in front of it to open it. You'll encounter a Armed Interloper whom you'll have to eliminate. Joshua's attacks are slower than Clive's, but much more powerful.
Once the fight is over, go through the door in front of you and turn left to open a new door. You'll need to eliminate two soldiers. With Wade's help, combat shouldn't be a problem.
After the fight, open the door and head for the door opposite. Open the door to fight another soldier.
Go through the door on your right to start a cinematic. You'll then regain control of Clive, and The Lord Commander will join your team. Open the door and take the Stoneskin Tonic from the barrel.
Open the door and cross the room to some enemies. Eliminate them and go through the north-west door to find a Potion and a High Potion.
Now save your game and go through the door using R2. Once again, you'll have to fight a group of soldiers. The Lord Commander will ask you to fight the spellcaster first. He's on the left. Once the enemies have been eliminated, a new enemy, the Knight of the Blinding Dawn dragon will attack you, and you must perform an intense Cinematic Evasion.
The Knight of the Blinding Dawn is a fast enemy who can attack several times in a row. You'll need to do a lot of dodging to inflict damage. This enemy uses Jump to launch a powerful attack while staying out of range. You'll be able to see the impact zone with a small blue dot on the ground. When he lands, use Phoenix Eclipse to attack him.
After depleting a third of its health points, the Knight of the Blinding Dawn will use an Intense Attack. Dodge at the right moment to stun this enemy, then attack relentlessly.
Once he's recovered, he'll use Double Jump to make two consecutive jumps. Dodge twice in a row to avoid heavy damage.
Don't hesitate to heal yourself if you've lost a lot of health points. Use Magic Bursts to drain the knight's will Gauge.
Once the fight is over, a cinematic sequence begins. You then return to the first scene of the game. You'll be the Phoenix, and must attack the Eikon of fire with the triangle, dodge with the R1 button and aim with the left joystick. When the Eikon of fire starts to glow, it's time to dodge its next attack.
Eventually, you'll have to perform an intense Cinematic Evasion. After a few cinematic sequences, you have to shoot the Eikon of fire again. Once you've removed 75% of its hit points, you'll have to perform another Cinematic Evasion.
Continue the fight until you have to perform an Intense Attack. The Eikon of fire will then prepare a Hellfire attack that you'll have to stop. Don't waste time with the giant fireball, as it's useless.
At the end of the fight, a cinematic will start and you'll get the trophy Awoken before moving on to the next FF16 quest.