A Deal with the Statue

In this Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom side adventure guide, we'll give you the complete solution to the side adventure quest: A Deal with the Statue.
To unlock this side adventure quest, simply talk to Jerrin, the one who is sweeping up in front of a wall that appears to have a large hole in it, located in the Emergency Shelter at Lookout Standing. She'll tell you that she hears a frightening voice coming from this hole. At the end of your discussion, you'll unlock the side adventure quest: Who Goes there? Enter this hole to discover a Royal Hidden Passage and break the stones (using the appropriate weapon) to unlock the path. Head for the stone on the right and destroy it to find the Forbidden Horned Statue.
Talk to the statue to trigger a cinematic in which the statue appears to have stolen a heart from you. This will trigger the side quest: A Deal with the Statue. Speak to the statue again to recover what was stolen from you. To complete this side adventure quest, simply choose whether you want your heart back or a little extra stamina.
Whatever your choice, this is how the side adventure quest: A Deal with the Statue ends.
From now on, it will be possible to exchange a receptacle for a certain number of Red Rupees, and then exchange it for a heart receptacle or for stamina in exchange for another amount of Rupees.