The Old Neighborhood

In this Main Starfield missions guide, we'll explain the complete path of the "The Old Neighborhood" mission, with all the objectives.
Location: Star system : Alpha Centauri / Planet : Jemison
Requierement: Finish One Small Step
Reward: 400XP, 8000 Credits, Constellation Space Suit, Constellation Space Helmet, Sarah Morgan as Companion
Talk to Sarah located near the artifact to begin the mission. Also take the opportunity to pick up the Constellation Guide 01 from the railing. These skill magazines are located on the various planets and will give you permanent upgrades.
Then exit the Lodge and go to speak with Commander John Tuala. During the conversation, he'll offer you the chance to join the UC Vanguard, which you can accept now or later.
Your next objective is the city of Cydonia on Mars, located in the Sol system. Open the Starmap and reach this new area. On arrival, open the Starmap to land on Cydonia.
Follow the mission marker to enter the mining colony. Go right to reach the bar to talk to Jack.
This character will give you information on Moara's location, but will want to be paid 2500 credits. In the dialog options, you can let Sarah talk to him to lower the price to 1000 credits.
As you ask him about the job, he'll point you to the mission board. These tables are located in the colonies and offer a series of renewable tasks that you can complete to earn extra credits and XP.
Get the information on Moara and head for Venusin the Sol system. When you get close to the planet, Sarah will tell you that hostile ships are nearby. At this point, you're completely unprepared to deal with these enemies. You'll have to approach them stealthily.
Set all your ship's systems to level 0, with the exception of the engines, which you can have at level 2. Once ready, discreetly approach the satellite and interact with it with X.
Once you've got the information, head for the Nova Galatic Staryard space yard, orbiting Earth's moon. Interact with the space station and press X on the docking point to reach the station.
This station is much larger than the base in the previous mission. It contains many more enemies, and you can explore it completely if you wish.
Inside the station, you'll need to progress towards the objective to find the clue to Moara's whereabouts.
There are a few points of interest in the station. First, when you reach the first large area, go right to see enemies shooting at each other. You'll recognize the area, as there's a room inscribed "Conference Room" above it. Go right to reach a cul-de-sac, you'll find the "Search and Rescue Key" next to a tap in the penultimate room. This key allows you to enter the locked room a little ahead with several interesting things to retrieve.
The other point of interest is close to the lens. Enter a room with a staircase leading to the upper floor. Follow the path past the staircase to a room with windows overlooking the objective. On the table near one of the windows, you'll find another Nova Galactic Manual 02.
Then head to the mission marker and eliminate all the enemies present. Enter the structure in the center to pick up the Vanguard Moara's Slate.
Return to Neptune, still in the Sol system. When you arrive, Moara's ship will begin to attack, damaging it so that you can dock inside.
Once inside the ship, eliminate the enemies and make sure you take the key from the body of the last enemy. You'll then be able to enter the cockpit. If you can, don't hesitate to take all the resources in the ship.
Talk to Moara, then pick up the artifact near the window. Return to your ship and undock to return to the Lodge on Jemison. It's possible to use the quick trip, as you've already visited it.
At the Lodge, interact again with the pedestal to add the next artifact piece. Then talk to Sarah to complete the mission.