The Empty Nest

In this Main Starfield missions guide, we'll explain the complete path of the "The Empty Nest" mission, with all the objectives.
Location: Star system : Alpha Centauri / Planet : Jemison
Requierement: Finish The Old Neighborhood
Reward: 350XP, 7200 Creditset Sam Coe as Companion
Depuis la Loge, dirigez-vous dans la zone de la Serre pour parler à Sam. Par la suite, Sam rejoindra votre équipe. Partez maintenant à Akila, dans le système de Cheyenne.
After landing, talk to Sam on the edge of the landing zone. Head into town for a guard to tell you about the problems at the bank. He'll give you the faction mission "Job Gone Wrong", which you'll need to complete before continuing.
Go to Marshal Daniel Black to find out more about the situation and offer your help. You'll then have to take care of the thieves' situation.
There are several options open to you, the simplest of which is to talk to the thieves using the intercom to use Persuasion to silence them. If you succeed, you'll avoid a fight and get the best reward from the Marshal.
If you wish to fight or fail your persuasion test, you'll have to eliminate them. The Marshall will then give you the key to the back door of the bank, allowing you to join the enemies discreetly and eliminate them, or ask to see the hostages at the front.
Once the situation at the bank has been resolved, go and talk to the Marshall to complete this mission. You will then automatically unlock the mission "Deputized".
Go back into the bank and down the stairs to the vault. Sam will give you the key to open the boxes. You need to find the one containing the item "Note for Sam" and pick it up.
Once you've collected the note, go back and talk to Sam. Head to the mission marker in town to reach Coe's estate to talk to Jacob.
Jacob won't want to leave the cards with Sam. Speak to Sam then, and you can reply as you wish, as the dialogues don't matter. You now have three options for recovering Jacob's cards. The simplest option is to persuade Jacob.
The other options are to return to the ship to pick up Cora and ask her to talk to Jacob, or to ask her to distract Jacob while you sneak into the room he's standing behind to steal from him.
Whichever option you choose, pick up Solomon's cards from the desk and talk to Sam about the location of the Empty Nest.
Before setting off for The Empty Nest, make sure you've packed your equipment before leaving the city. When you arrive in the area, you'll need to eliminate the enemies, automated turrets and robots. Once the path is clear, enter the Empty Nest.
You encounter enemies again inside the cave. Eliminate them andtake the key from one of the first two enemies to access the locked door halfway down. Then head to the end of the area to find the Chi artifact.
Come out of the cave to be arrested by the Shaw of the Shaw gang. You'll have the option of using confrontation by persuasion, bribery or by fighting it out
After talking to Shaw, several Ashta will enter the area to attack you. If you've managed to avoid fighting Shaw, you can then help them eliminate the Ashta. Once the area is free, talk to Shaw, who will give you a weapon and ammunition for helping them.
Then return to the Lodge to place the artifact. After Sam's conversation, you can talk to him to complete the mission. Sam will now be a permanent companion.