Main Quest 2 - Home sweet home

In this guide to Coral Island's main quests, we'll take a look at the game's first main quest: Home sweet home.
- Collecting wood (0/50)
- Collecting stone (0/20)
- Visit the carpenter
- Repairing your home
Rewards : 100 coins and a new friendship with Joko and Dinda.
Your new house needs some repairs. To do this, you'll need to collect resources (50 x wood and 20 x stone) to enable the village carpenters to repair your home. Once this has been done, head to the carpenter's store to have your house repaired. Then choose the style you prefer.
Here are the house styles you can choose from:
During this quest, you'll also learn the usefulness of television. It can tell you the weather (if it's raining, you won't have to water your garden, for example), and can be used to listen to programs giving useful advice.
And so the game's second main quest: Home sweet home, comes to an end, making way for your next quest in Coral Island: The new farmer.