Main Quest 3 - The new farmer

Dec 19, 2023
par Skyangie
In this guide to Coral Island's main quests, we'll take a look at the game's first main quest: The new farmer.
- Meet the locals (0/30)
Reward : You'll start to develop affinity levels with each of them.
Once you've learned how to grow and harvest the various resources to repair your home. Now it's time to explore the village and meet the people! Following the second main quest, you'll find yourself at Sam's general store. There you'll also find Connor, who'll ask you to meet everyone in the village. Walk around and talk to everyone you meet.
Once you've interacted with 30 townspeople, that's how the game's third main quest: The new farmer comes to an end, making way for your next quest in Coral Island: Visit the Beach Shack.